Anyone who saw the show will know that far from the usual discussion of topical issues they simply put Nick and the BNP on trial.
However despite looking nervous Nick's performance was as good as could be expected under the extreme circumstances. The audience was clearly hand picked to be totally hostile and the whole thing looking more like an inquisition than a TV show. Nick still got over a few good points:
And today we find out that:
- Complaints that the show was biased against Mr Griffin outnumbered by more than two to one those about him being allowed to appear;
- Some of the audience appear to have been rushed through the vetting process in a bid to emphasise the multi-cultural nature of London;
- Audience members were briefed to ask 'provocative' questions and host David Dimbleby told them it was acceptable to boo;
- More than eight million people tuned in - four times the usual audience and more than watched Strictly Come Dancing last week;
- Joel Weiner, 17, who dramatically confronted Mr Griffin about Holocaust denial, said he applied to attend a Question Time programme more than a year ago, but was approached just 24 hours before filming.
But what did the public make of it all:
The first poll following Nick Griffin's controversial appearance on Question Time has found more than a fifth of voters would now consider voting BNP.
Sounds like a victory for the BNP to me.