Friday, 5 August 2011

BNP activist and The Sun

I'm sure that by now everyone is aware of the story in The Sun newspaper about London BNP activist Chris Hirst.

This gutter rag was trying to link Nationalist singer Saga to the Norweigan murderer Anders Breivik and, as Chris Hirst was at one of her concerts, both him and the BNP to Breivik.

This is the newspaper owned by the Zionist Rupert Murdoch who's other newspaper, the News of the World, hacked into the phone of the murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler and the mother of the murdered 8 year old Sarah Payne so they can hardly claim the moral high ground.

What disturbs me the most about incident is the reaction of the BNP. Instead of defending one of their regional officials, in the same way as they did with Ian Kitchin and his granny porn wife, they have thrown Chris to the wolves and expelled him.

Given the choice I would much rather associate with Chris than Ian or his wife.

Is it any surprise that the BNP is falling apart when it's leadership does not have the backbone to stand up for one of it's own against that hate filled object of oppression known as News International.

That newspaper will be a chip wrapper by now and the story long forgotten. Let's face it people only buy The Sun for the breasts and lurid sex stories.

Certainly Chris should have been disciplined but not expelled.

The BNP leadership needs to get it's act together and work out who the real enemies of Nationalism are and people like Chris Hirst are most definitely not the enemy.