After months of hard work by the Saga team, I'm delighted to announce the launch of my all-new official website!!
We've been inundated with requests and ideas for my new website and have done our utmost to incorporate the best. Now you can read up on all the latest Saga news, listen to full versions of my music, buy albums and brand new merchandise, download all kinds of freebies and check out the latest official and unofficial videos from fans.

...And the excitement doesn't stop there. To mark the launch of the all-new official Saga website, Midgard have announced the release of my latest LIVE album sampled from a recording of last year's gig for friends in Sweden. Comrades Night Live features live versions of my favourite tracks taken from my solo debut album On My Own, several hits from the My Tribute To Skrewdriver trilogy and some unexpected gems.

So what you waiting for? Click on the photo opposite to visit my all-new website - you'll find out more about Comrades Night Live along with details on how you can get hold of it.
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